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Landfill Viewing Point (LVP) Complete

A new viewing point for looking over the landfill is now complete, there is bench and arm rest and a screen with half roof to offer some protection from the wind and rain from the South.

It can be found at the far end of the car park field at Lavell’s Lake, it can be accessed through the gate beyond the stile. The combination is the same as for Ron’s hide and Renton’s screen.

The surrounding fencing is the to stop people from going onto the landfill, where no public are allowed and to prevent anyone disturbing the wildlife.

Enjoy – a Great White Egret has already been seen from here but come the Spring it will be a good raptor and migration watchpoint.

This has been built with a grant from Hurst Village Society, we are very grateful to them for this support, so we hope everyone enjoys it.