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Les Blundell – Memorial Details

We have just received sad news that our long time member and Membership Secretary Les Blundell has suffered a stroke and sadly died on Sunday in a Sydney hospital. Les was in Australia visiting family and was due to be flying back today. We pass on our condolences to his partner Carol and family. He will be sadly missed by the committee and many members.

Memorial for Les –

As many of you know Les passed away late January. We will be holding a memorial for him on Saturday 4th March and hope you can join us, please see attached for details. He requested donations to RNLI instead of flowers and we will be celebrating his life so please don’t wear black. We hope to see you there.

At Dinton Activity Centre, 4th March 2pm to 4pm

Carol Hopperton

(for catering purposes it would be useful to know how many will attend – please email if you are coming. If you forget to email me, don’t worry about it)×768.jpg