Birds featured on this page are Crests, Flycatchers, Tits, Nuthatch, Shrikes, Crows. The majority of these species breed locally and most of those can be seen year round. A selection of images can be seen in the gallery and then the status of each individual species on the park is detailed below that.
Goldcrest Resident, not uncommon and found anywhere with conifers, or evergreen hedges.
Firecrest Rare migrant and occasional winter visitor, when the do stay January to February seems to be the main window and most frequently at Lavell’s. Notoriously hard to see on the park and no doubt overlooked, 2 were ringed 16th November 2010.
Spotted Flycatcher Very uncommon passage visitor. Once bred on the park in the early 1980’s. Now just annual autumn visitors mostly seen at Lavell’s, either along the Loddon, or more so in the car park field and sailing club. Recorded from mid August, with the best chance occurring 24th to 3rd September.
Pied Flycatcher Very rare migrant, 5-6 records, 4 of which are April 17th 2006, 18th 1988, 19th 2013 & 23rd 1989. 2 other records are not confirmed but later April and May.
Bearded Tit Very rare vagrant, one winter record of a male from 20th or 21st October 2011, on Lavell’s, next seen 9th November, then 12th LFGP, then further intermittent dates to 9th December and a belated further report 4th January 2012.
Long tailed Tit Common resident, seen in sizable flocks in the autumn.
Marsh Tit Very rare vagrant, now locally extinct, but was never common. Last records which cannot be confirmed were 16th May 1998 and 6th May 1992, prior to that 1983 and 1984 had 4-5 sightings.
Willow Tit Very rare vagrant, now locally extinct, but was never common and no reliable reports after 24th & 25th August 1990.
Coal Tit Uncommon resident, seen at each end of Lavell’s on and off all year, juveniles seen in May indicate they breed very nearby but not on the park.
Blue Tit Abundant resident, mix with other tits in large flocks post fledging and wintering
Great Tit Abundant resident, mix with other tits in large flocks post fledging and wintering
Nuthatch Resident not uncommon but regular, 1-2 pairs breed on the edges of the park, more common than during the last 15 to 20 years.
Treecreeper Resident, quite common but secretive behaviour can make them hard to see, at least 4-6 pairs breed at the North end of the park. In autumn and winter, gets in with the tit and warbler flocks.
Great Grey Shrike Very rare vagrant, 2 records, one wintered from 27th November 1980 to 6th April 1981, then another stayed for a briefer spell from 25th November to 11th December 1993.
Jay Common resident, found across the park, autumn can bring passage flocks, or movements into double figures.
Magpie Common resident, found across the park.
Jackdaw Abundant resident, flocks of 500-1000 occur on the Lea Farm landfill.
Rook Abundant resident, flocks of 200+ occur on the landfill.
Carrion Crow Abundant resident, flocks of 500-1000 occur on the Lea Farm landfill.
Raven Uncommon, but occurring with greater frequency. First record of 2 on 30th January 2005 and by 2014, was recorded on various dates of 9 months of the year, September being the most common month.